CSU T-Shirt


Do not order for event giveaways.

T-shirts will not be included in conference/event shipments.

Clothing items will only be shipped directly to a student/alumnus with a valid mailing address. Please add student number to order notes for address verification.

SKU: C-392 Categories: ,


Specifically-sized items like t-shirts give reps an extra touchpoint with prospects, students, and alumni they interact with on the road. Oftentimes, conference attendees are overwhelmed with the amount of information they get from exhibitors or conferences. Promotional items like t-shirts, socks, caps, etc. give reps an opportunity to do a follow-up and send prospects, student and alumni unexpected “gifts.”

Touch points are the name of the game in sales and marketing. The more times you can “touch” a prospect, the more likely they are to recall our brand when researching potential education providers. Promotional items are designed to help in that follow-up/touch point process.

If you say to a prospect that you’d like to “send them a little something in the mail,” no matter what you intend to send, the likelihood of them providing you with their contact information increases exponentially.